Voci della Periferia to the Museo delle Mura “From October 21 to November 20 at the Museo delle Mura 12 young painters, photographers, sculptors and video makers tell the Roman suburbs. The Department of Family, Education and Youth Capital of Rome in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Historical Center - Superintendence of Cultural Heritage presents the exhibition “Voices of the periphery”, the closing event of the competition which has seen the participation of dozens of young Roman artists, aged between 18 and 35 years, which will be hosted by the Museum of the Walls from October 21 to November 20. Six artists have won a scholarship that brought them to live an experience of three months in London, New York, Tokyo and Helsinki. Twelve are those who will participate in the exhibition, curated by Costantino D’Orazio, who has worked with a committee composed of Constance Paissan, curator at the Macro, Italian Carolina, project manager of MAXXI BASE, Daniela Lancioni, senior curator of the Palace of Exhibitions, Federica Pirani, Manager of Exhibitions of the Superintendency of Cultural Capital of Rome. Banned replied to both artists who are taking the first steps to a professional level and some of the best representatives of the younger generation of painters, photographers, sculptors and video makers who work in Rome. The analysis of their work has shown that the outskirts of Rome is a context that artists today do not want to demonize or to judge with severity, but telling in all its contradictions. None of the images in the exhibition offers a stereotyped view of the urban periphery, but it aims to overcome prejudices and discover the most unusual sides of neighborhoods such as Tuscola, IL Corviale, Caffarella or the Via del Mare. In some cases, the periphery is evoked more as a concept and existential state, through operations very symbolic. If Pinzari Frances of Rome (winner of the scholarship in New York) has produced a performance in the streets of Portonaccio, Mark has produced two video animations Raparelli taking place in a fictional character from the surreal edge. The duo Silvia and Maria Teresa Zingarello Pujia (winning a scholarship to London) are the result of their action in the green space surrounding the Corviale, while Fabrizio Sartori depicts the violation of an urban space through a graphic recovered the many acts of vandalism that inhabit the peripheral buildings. James Bonifaci transforms the landscape of Tuscolano in an elegant view of Piranesi, compared with photographs of Nellie Catherine (winner of the scholarship in Tokyo), dealing with an action of social resistance in the implementation of the Caffarella Park . Gabriele Di Stefano (winner of a scholarship in London) has immortalized the sky of Tor Bella Monaca as the skyline of an American metropolis, while Enrica Gialanella a viaduct has transformed into a striking geometric composition. If the project by Mariangela Colaguori is resolved with a high technological level graphic composition, Mauro Vitturini chose to tell the periphery through the sound, while Sara Just (winner of the scholarship in Helsinki) has involved the residents in the realization of Torpignattara of a green area within the neighborhood. All are united by a look active against the urban context, which aims to transform the image and, above all, to affect the public imagination. The artists winners of the scholarships will have the opportunity to present the result of their experiences abroad, which will be documented in the catalog accompanying the exhibition. The volume also collects pictures of all the artists who participated in the competition notice, even if they have passed the selection. Museo delle Mura, housed in the ancient port of San Sebastian, still the threshold between the urban and less built the Appian Way, is presented as the most suitable place for the presentation of a complex reflection on the concept of edge . During the exhibition, the Museum will remain open in the evening every Friday and Saturday, from 19 to 23 to November 20.